Sweet Erisian Symphony Because I just wanted to say how beautiful it all is.

Thank you.
unhinged so i'm older than i used to be. she broke me into tiny pieces and i choked on the tears and pills and slippery thick alcohol. slowly but surely i can let go though. i can see the good in never holding you again. i can feel sorry for what you painfully lack and wonder how the hell a person like you can exist. see the funny part is, to me, you don't exist. i think i've finally found the platelets to stop up my bleeding heart. and i guess i should thank you for that. 020603
fyn gula we inhale the image. we exhale the pain. we close the eyes and remember to forget, forgiving the injury, celebrating the healing.

claiming the victory of love.
thy that was beautiful, fyn gula 120110
what's it to you?
who go