black-dyed gel product
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black-dyed gel product damn, i wanted to see if i could post a ASCII image, but it fucked up. 010707
black-dyed gel product __ __ __
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black-dyed gel product _ _ _
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black-dyed gel product argg!! It just doesn't work! 010707
black-dyed gel product b l a c k -

d y e d

g e l

p r o d u c t
black-dyed gel product ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ 010707
black-dyed gel product "`-._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._,-' 010707
nocturnal what the hell were those supposed to be? 010708
User24 .....................----.
................._.'__ `.
............' @ /###
...........: , #####
............`-..__.-' _.-###/
..................`;_: `"'
.............../, JOE ,
..............// COOL! \
..............___`. | .'___
User24 .....................----.

ok then. 030604
test 030604
User24 hm.. 030604
megan why is the font different here? 030604
User24 you saw a funny font and my name, and still need to ask such a question?

I'm disappointed.
stretchstretchstretchstretchstretchstretchstretchstretchstretchstretchstretch 030605
megan i'm sorry user :) curiosity got the best of me....
i would like to restate my question... how did you do this?
User24 the forbidden knowledge cannot be disclosed to anyone beyond the elites. 030605
User24 < like that! ok, the blather software doesn't filter html from the "you" field, so you can, for instance, say;


however, as you'll see on user24s_test_site and user24s_test_site2 and funshiney_test_page

things can get a little phucked. (like, you can make the whole page break)

So be careful..
a test. 030605
methinx Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude..........

What'd I do?
User24 test... 030606
User24 .. 030606
User . 030606
User24 24 ^^^ 030606
just wondering will this make my computer crash? 040202
. and why can't i have a red name? 040202
what's it to you?
who go