hsg ""Depression is not a Prozac deficiency." --Mark Hyman, MD 080215
u24 heh, nice quote. 080215
hsg if that was a laugh i'm seriously concerned about you! see your professional drug_dealer, het_humm i mean doctor immediately. !Get Some Help. th is erious business, mister! 080216
u24 yeah that was a laugh, lol. 080420
hsg madoctor: "i'm concerned about your 'being well'. we've gothisuper new treatment in convenient little pills ready to help you forget you ever had a soul!"

patient patient: "sha man, whatever! are thoseven organic?"

m.d. : "don't you want to be normal?"

p.p. : "know, normal'soul dying out of cancer and shithat's boring and to be honest it's really starting to smell something foul! besides, your sanity OD'd on stupidity long ago your sanity died afterunnINg little itty-bitty small-minded boring annoying circles in the livingroom floor."
Mad Maximus Oh, you're running short on madness? Lucky us; I've more than enough for the two of us! 080422
what's it to you?
who go