32 every night things happen that i can't explain help them!!!! 010925
lost i wonder why chris here is always talking about gay people... you think maybe he is secretely gay and wants to come out. thats what i think so from now on i am going to cover my ass when ever i walk downt the hall and he's around. 010925
32 hey dam u your the gayest faggit i have ever known, jack ass!!! 010925
j_blue you'r all horribly dumb

i seriously doubt that any of this dialog is motivated by anything other than homophobia, in its most socially exceptably form

both the accuser and the accusee, whether or not they care to admit it, are motivated by the consensus that to be gay is bad

sadly, if these people try to disagree, their motivations might be perceived as being a bit too vehement...
heterophobic you know what's really terrifying? straight people. *shudder* 010925
what's it to you?
who go