sabbie another gorgous sentance
from the mistreemuse

you rock
you rock
you rock my world my girl.
endless desire i read that. and i'd have to say, it makes sense. brilliant miss tree. 031228
misstree swears she doesnt blush aw, shucks. t'aint nuthin' more than what i preach from barstools and couches all the time. i reckon i've been kickin' that one about for quite a while, and mostly found it to be true. individual results may vary. 031228
stork daddy but then why do they boo me like it's me on stage?

but of all the interesting things you can get a person to do, crying is only slightly higher than leaving which is the least.
karl the weed that is so true of me. 031229
celestias shadow see, i live my life for OTHER people's entertainment. Frankly I'm not sure this is the best of ideas. 040102
egger i need to remember this as well. 040406
silentbob it is true of me as well 040406
Lemon_Soda I'm working on it.

Currently, I'm just quietly amused all the time.
what's it to you?
who go