. Sometimes I think Blather was created just so that clandestine shrinks could snicker at me blathing things like this. 080823
. Sometimes I think Blather was created just so that clandestine shrinks could snicker at me blathing things like this. 080823
. Also, I resent the duplicature. 080823
Dr U. re: subject 5549.

subject seems to be more agitated than normal. interactions with other characters are less frequent, and often end in short, snappy responses rather than full discourse. Suggest increased dosage
;) oops, wrong window.

erm.. ignore that...
Lemon_Soda I think blather lets us indulge these kinds of thoughts too much, reinforcing them.

Its hard to break out of a pattern of thinking...its what our brain is trained to do, after all.
hsg maybe we should find WHY our brains are formed to do that. 080824
In_Bloom A friend shared with me that males use their Penises as their main brain well into their 80's.
He is a believer in cyborg technology and cryonics. Someday males will evolve beyond the Penis brain.
He says
what's it to you?
who go