mmm just so everybody knows where i am for the next however long it is... i went back to holyoke... back to the place where i promised i'd never go again.... i don't know how long i'll b gone.... i don't care who knows this... it doesn't matter who knows....... its to hard to type right now

i have to go... i'll b in there by morning...

goodbye..... for i don't know how long...
birdmad we hope to see you again soon and our thoughts are with you 010913
Becky and I'll be with you the whole time.. everytime you need me. Because I love you soooo much. We'll get through this Aric.. we'll start over. 010914
mmm well i'm back.. i got out wednesday night.. i'm doin better, but not ok yet.. its not an overnight thing..
becky i love u
what's it to you?
who go