Jeca it's a fine line between "crazy" and "original" 021004
squi--no. no it isnt at all. no.

no it isn't.
Jeca it's not? 021013
squint nope 021013
Jeca then what is it? 021013
squint a space 021013
Jeca so you're saying that all those incredibly original people like van gogh, einstein and paste! don't have a little crazy in them?

i mean, more than most people?
squint nope, thats not what i'm saying.

(besides that, NOW you're saying that original is 'a little' crazy, and not that there is a fine line between it)

and oh my, comparing paste! to the likes of einstein?

(paste! honey, come look at this!)
paste! van gogh even. jesus jeca, i'm pretty normal and extra_stupid. to even be mentioned in the same sentence with the caliber of genius that those two encompass is downright hilarious!

let it be known, MOTHERFUCKER(S), that paste! is JUST A PERSONA.

if you like it, good for you. if you don't, munch my ass. stuff like this drives me crazy and original.
Syrope where exactly is the fine_line between

being needy, whiny, demanding, elitist, and condescending


upholding your high standards for the sake of self-preservation?
suicidalchinadoll when you dance on a line, half of the world will see you on one side, and the other half will see you on the other.
oh yes. and half will consistently change their minds.

Syrope i know how it feels 041030
suicidalchinadoll I don't like that particular line..
but I'm having trouble getting away from it.
no reason between flattering and stalkerish 110920
In_Bloom It's a fine line between disappointment and resignation. 110924
what's it to you?
who go