so fucking lost and somehow i feel like
i am standing on the edge

but im not sure of what.
drstrangelove .. = a_breath_away_from_living? 020607
so fucking lost *bows*
thank you.
stacey if only i could breath in and not out, maybe then i could save myself 020703
josie please don't blathe here..not literally Perspective_of_Soul. 020821
josie Why didn't you tell me?

or have you given up blathing when it means so much to you?
curious toys inhale......

Perspective_Of_Soul Unfortunately, i think i have a couple to go.Too many. 020926
mon when i am in the final scenery of this one-act play
will the audience be my eyes?
what will i say? and to whom?
endless desire i_wanna_feel_you_breath_me 030706
nonentity always a breath away but never close enough to fall over the line 030706
x "Dear Alyssa, When I talked to you on the phone, you sounded like you were a breath away from dying. Please, get a hold of yourself." 030707
ff breathe_out_so_i_can_breathe_you_in 030707
aldkfj a;sdlfkj and you never know
which one
will be your last
what's it to you?
who go