andrea the cashier hands the woman
her change & notices the faint
lines down the insides of her
wrists. they match his. he smiles.

a young girl, mad at the world,
stops at a red light & casually
glances over to see the words she’s
mouthing escape from the ten year
old passenger in the car next to her.

alone, two teenage boys wander up &
down the aisle searching for the
right box, not knowing what size
or strength to purchase. boy one
turns to the other & asks for a
suggestion. boy two blushes.

the elderly woman gazes at the
young expecting mother rubbing
her belly. she looks at the older
woman & imagines what her child
will be like when she is that age.

the girls scratch & fight, pulling out
hair & splitting lips over the attention
of a boy. but when it’s all over, they
go their separate ways. both to houses
with men whose attention they loathe.

copyright 2000
battle of the sexes what difference between men? 041012
unhinged and now i go back to
the lonely version of my second life
what's it to you?
who go