Joana. There are shadows in the corners of my brain
When I close my eyes one of them follows my thoughts
It emits a light
Varying from red to white
Its silhouette tall and slim
All of my memories converge to this haunting light
And form the tapestry of different patterns
The tapestry that united what belonged
And what isn't supposed to be here
And always, when my eyes close
Covered by the soft touch of the eyelids
These memories strive for their place in the tapestry
A privileged place
The pedestal of my brain
And all of my being turns into a battlefield
Between what belongs
And what isn't supposed to be here
The latter always wins
As what belongs in reality isn't mine.
mahayana literature of the
fucked-up inner wilderness

to the {second} fall
unknown ranges
defensive walls

2 this silence
2 this loneliness
2 this [[words says you email]]

do you have what_belongs
no, nevermind, i have nothing
that belongs
alien artifact birdmad not_me_by_a_damn_sight 020415
god like pat benatar said, we belong 020620
what's it to you?
who go