sabbie it sings its song, joyous and free,
without words but so much melody, trilling and soaring with pure joy and abandonment.

today my heart was opened and i heard her song
for the first time in so long.

and my soul opened wide and sang with all her might
and the universe smiled and together we sang into this night.

[you see how true it is? all that rhymed, and i never do that myself]
Mahayana & she lives within the framework of her own consciousness, outside of flipping reality.

consciously seeking & forming her own consciousness

we search for our origins
for the wisdom of those before us
who earlier sought their own conciseness

forming our own language or words which reflect our values and our knowledge

we tune ourselves to the earth
seeking connectedness with the natural world

we envision our lives
we actively create our own future

i am the future
we are the future
the future is us

[the future is now]
[eye needles]
[through up over & through]
nom we are song
singing existence
. . 050223
() (see: the_singing_of_stones ) 050223
() (singing is the universe) 050307
Christine The universe hums it's simple tune to gently remind us why.... 050307
z why is such a deteministic idea 050308
duh deterministic 050308
That Is What I Heard Surprisingly, it's a contra-alto. 061204
A voice sings... " la_la_la_____how_am_i_____la_la_la " 061204
stork daddy falsetto 061204
what's it to you?
who go