( ... ) dream 030221
a *very* involved dream set in trinidad and tobago. i hope i can remember all of the parts i want to tell.
as i'm coming back from south america somewhere.. i'm coming back from the treasure hunt, unsuccessful, and on a separate plane from everyone else. as it is flying across the gulf of mexico, it crashes into the water. i am the only survivor. there is no-one else around for miles. i have a raft i have made out of two separate pieces of board. it is difficult to keep them together at first, but i manage to glue them together with my body. i can keep out of the water, but the water is rather warm anyway. i look up at the sky, which is rather stormy. more cloudy, but it looks as if a storm is on its way. i stare at the clouds receding over both horizons, and think about how ancient men could think the world ended across the horizon. when i am floating in the ocean, the cardinal directions are a fixed point of reference. i know i am floating eastward, as the wind is blowing me. the clouds stream out from the horizon on the west, like a score of streamers, and creep across the dawn sky to disappear on the other horizon. the clouds to the west are less defined, they look more like a storm. i start to float by debris, sticks, old shoes, floating things.. i start to float past small islands, some of them have signs of human life on them. shacks with light streaming out, flagpoles made of wood. i finally hit land and get off, onto what i know is a larger island. there is a path leading inland. all the paths here are poorly defined, they are just overlapping aspects of human inhabitation. gravel one moment, boarded wood another. i keep walking inland, amazed at the patchwork houses, patchwork yards, overlapping nature and inhabitation. i finally come across a woman. she is black, hair long and in tiny braids, wearing a reddish loose skirt with floral patterns. she is standing on a slight rise in front of a hill, smoking a cigarette, waiting for a bus maybe. i walk past her at first and just nod, but she calls after me in a strange language. i turn around and ask her if she speaks english. she smiles, but tries to talk other languages to me. she starts speaking spanish to me, which i recognize, but i cannot speak well back to her. i keep mixing it up with czech. i start formulating individual words, but the spanish won't come. she doesn't look confused when i accidentaly insert words of slavic, just amused. we manage to communicate,.. something. i forget. i notice over her shoulder an image of a man on the hill, in a circular shape. it has a white background and a yellowish foreground. the foreground looks kind of like my old sword instructor, will. i say something to the effect in english, but she takes not mind of it. she takes me to her house, her brother speaks english. we go there, just momentarily. it feels like home. not my home, but it is comfortable. dark wooded interiour, lit by oil lamps, collections of seaside things hanging from the walls. clean, but not tidy. i speak broken english with her brother, she decides to take me into town. i walk outside, where she is standing under a wooden overhang. there are wicker chairs made of the same dark wood. i look her in the eyes and we kiss lightly on the mouth. we walk towards the busstop. there is a bench, about 20 feet of log with a quarter cut out of it so you can sit. i believe she wants to have sex, but she is frightened by how forward i am, and runs off for a moment. i convince her i will not touch her again and she comes back. i notice that there is a shrine on the hillside behind her to abraham lincoln. i never find out why. lincoln looks unusally like my old swordfighting instructor, will, it was the same image i noticed earlier. there are tulips lain all around it, pink, orange, and white. i wonder if it is involved in some sort of holiday here.
the roads are not quite paved.. there are eucalyptus trees around the bustop. the road runs along the edge of the hill. we are on an outer rise near the hilside, looking up at lincoln. the bus trip is a blur, i can remeber seeing buildings as we come nearer the town. there are people, working, carying things on baskets on their heads. the town has the same patchwork feeling as the rest, as if it were constructed in a few days out of palm fronds, twine, and driftwood. it is much more packed, though, and there arn't as many wild trees, though they are growing, even from inside buildings. the main street has a market, where they are selling fish and fruit. we get off nearby, and walk over to another building. a person inside, an older woman. speaks a little english.. i do not remember her part well. she makes fish nets. we walk outside. i notice a building that has a sign for some sort of "spiritual awakening", achieved though listening to harp music. as 5 cd set for only 20. i look inside, it seems empty. a woman sitting behind a receptionist desk just inside asks me if i need any help. i say, no, i've seen enough, and leave. as i walk away, across it's porch, i can hear the music, which doesn't sound even very relaxing. like something i've heard before, but definiely harp. we continue, until we come to another business. there is an american inside. we talk briefly. he mentions things.. like that there is a reason why americans come here and don't leave. it's too perfect. his business.. involves something technical, but i cannot remember. he has short blond hair, is wearing a hawiian t shirt and jean shorts. flip flops. he is a good friend of the girl i am with, at which point i realize she can speak english, but has just been pretending this entire time. it is not important. there are other people in the office, but they all look busy, and i do not interupt them. small desks overflowing with paper, talking on the phone.. this space is the most confinded of all the buildings i have been in, but not uncomfortably. it is made of light wicker, many windows, through which i can see a jungle and the blue sky. we set off, to show me around the town more. but i head off towards the edge, where there are houses. there are not well defined yards, and no-one keeps their gate locked. i am a little bit worried that someone might be upset if the find us in their yard, but my companions are not worried, they are curious, and want me to explore on my own. i pass through several yards, gardens, plants and stones set into the ground. there are fences, but they alwayw have unlocked gates set into them. i have forgotten to mention that i have been totally amazed by the beauty of the entire place, and everything in it. i walk onto one final piece of property, which is western. it looks typical beach house, and indeed, we have come out of the other side of the isalnd, and are on the beach. it has a blue blue swimming pool, sun chairs, umbrellas, tiled ground streaching up to a bungalo. typical resort setting.. we walk over the railing over the ocean, and look down to a private beech. i turn to my companions and say, yes, we are certainly in the yard of some sort of american, who probably wouldn't be happy to have a strange people in his yard. we turn to go out of another gate, set in a tall fence made of thin bamboo. i can see on the other side.. headstones. a graveyard, but rather unlike anything i've seen before. there are tombs, and clean dark dirt paths running about, everything packed close together, but absolutely integrated with natural setting. palms, bushes, mossy rocks. we walk to one grave in particular, it is a tomb, black bassalt the slopes gently inward. there is a large slitlike hole in the middle out from which streams magenta light. there is a brass plaque near the grave, but i never read it. the girl is bending over the grave trying to look inside of the hole. i am looking around. there are tiny waterfalls, and the corner, the tip, is a gigantic black rock jutting up into the air, right into the ocean. i discover a trapdoor, and we descend. the graveyard is on the deck of a gigantic wooden ship, and we are now inside. it is beached. we walk over to a hole in the wall, and can see out to the private beach under the american's yard. we discuss things about where we are. i wash my feet in the ocean water outside of the boat. we turn around into the darkness of the boat, i glimpse magentra light again, and i wake.
what's it to you?
who go