pilgrim Nothing to say
Say it anyway
Burning Time
Like tinder dry to exploding
Something's got to give
No news is good news
So everything is fine
Days and nights entwine
Like Lovers
Holding close
Breathing deeply of the fertile scent
Gardens of earthly delight
Warm and fragrent Yet
Cool and Sweet in their shadowy recesses
Linger here now with me
Be my Love and Boon Companion
Huddle close against my Flesh
Let me Know your curves and contour
Let cool misty rain fall on us
Running rivers course through Vallies
Rich with Life and Steeped in memories
Long laid down in shrouds of time
You I"ve Known through many Lifetimes
This I'm sure
We're Bound together
Silken Rope
That bites the flesh
Holding Still in anticipation
Breathe in sharply at the touch
That gives sensations unframiliar
Yet always leaves us seeking more
This then is the subtle saga
Holding Souls intwined in Flesh
Not for sake of procreation
Only for the pleasures sake
Stay forever in the garden
Taste the fruit so moist and sweet
Be my Lover Now and ever
Let Us Cling Unto The Tree
red guild ! 060218
tender_square press me into a poem with
your weight, love: create

end stops where i least expect;
split me with stanzas if i linger

too long in any one room when
there’s a palace of you to explore.

teach me how to enjamb breath;
take it from my willing mouth and

into yours continually. we’ll name
these sheets with the scent of us.
what's it to you?
who go