unhinged quintessential milwaukee

everytime outoftowners come to visit i take them on the lakefront brewery tour. during blathercon_wisconsin , we dangled our feet over the milwaukee river drinking bomb craft beer out of plastic cups.

we got bit to shit at the busstop by mosquitos trying to be responsible drinkers on our way there.

we walked through condoland and she saw the warehouse she wanted to turn into artist lofts.

quintessential milwaukee

two birthdays in a row, the first with my parents and anthony , the second with my friends, started with lakefront tours.

Ouoboros I drink out of my lakefront glass all the time- it makes me happy. It's also the perfect size for smoothies and green powder drinks.

has much WI property to invest in
unhinged i am going on the tour this saturday for my birthday; i drink out of the glass we got that day a lot too. i have broken all my other lakefront pints at some point.

the plane i took to phoenix last week was continuing on to oakland. that made me smile.
unhinged drinking out of it as we speak 110322
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