werewolf they had just gotten into a fight. she was sitting at the piano, playing rachmaninoff or piasterakovksi or some other song spun out of fingers whittling like spider legs, stabbing, spinning, pulling, bowing. suddenly her voice sang a couple lines of a song, starting soft but with inflections clearly aimed at someone else sitting in the room with you who you've just had a fight with (the delicate, pokings in a voice, like eh?, eh come on, eh? which were again like spider legs but courting spider legs now, not moving with the assumptious fluidity of the predator but now the realization, we're all prey as well. the song was...."why do birds suddenly appear, everytime you are near" he laughed, and she sang louder. "nerd" he said. "aww come on, even nerds long to be closer to you" he sat her on the piano, and they kissed, and then pulled at a shirt, half off is good enough, and then a bit of the ol legato staccato right there right there, and the piano was played acoustically with the weight of both of their naked forgivenesses. 040423
Queen of Smashing Glass Houses (QSGH) but I was never perverted 080716
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