Let's build a stairway to the stars
And climb that stairway to the stars
With love beside us to fill the night with a song

We'll hear the sound of violins
Way out yonder where the blue begins
The moon will guide us as we go drifting along

Can't we sail away on a lazy daisy petal over the ridge of a hill
Can't we steal away on a little dream and settle high on the crest of a thrill

We'll build a stairway to the stars
And climb that stairway to the stars
It would be heaven to climb to heaven with you.

© 1935 Parish, Melneck, Signorelli
tripe. Why would you copyright tripe? 030902
  check the date, young einstein. check the date, somebody else coyrighted it 68 years ago 030902
  i'm referring to the first unsigned blatherer in this case whose density precluded them from noticing the date and how the subjectivity of taste and time might have made these words seem really cool back in 1935 and would he/she/it prefer Creed lyrics instead? 030902
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who go