Perverted Wraith does startfires still want to take me out? 010724
silentbob is she still in love with me? 010724
Aragorn shhhh... Bobby she's in love with me. 010724
Casey If I knew her, she wouldn't love me. But that's ok 010727
anonymouswench she loves us all, everyone, she loves t-shirts and and jeans, she will leave peices of hair and makeup behind, like a trail of faces 010728
deeves makeup gives you high self-esteem 010728
silentbob Erin gives me high self esteem 010729
startfires eh?

perverted wraith, silentbob, aragom, casey, anonymouswench, and deeves,

you all have a date with me on august 15th. meet me at the corner of 39th and main in kansas city missouri at 9:30.

thats the best i can do.
Aragorn My father, Lord Barrett, held you in the highest respect. "The fairest of all from the land of Kansas City," he would sing. 010730
startfires i'm still here, in the same way that barrett is still here.

we have offspring.
Aragorn Mommy? 010731
startfires quiet! bobby would kill me! 010731
Aragorn erin, quick, bobbys looking the other way! (smooch) 010731
Gollum yes precious, meet me in the closet in 5 minutes. 010731
silentbobfuckyou what the fuck 010801
what's it to you?
who go