MollyGoLightly It was a shitty afternoon at work.

Then I walked into the kitchen, ready to sacrifice myself to the evil tortilla chip gods with a dirty fork, when I heard:

"hey now, hey no-ow, don't dreeeam it's ov-er"
The Schleiffen (Hachi Machi!) Man "hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over....heeeeey now, hey now, onomatepoeia....." 000601
WingedSerpent "get to know the feeling of liberation and release" 000601
MollyGoLightly I knew that either you or brad would have to bring that up.

Yes kids, I used to think that line of the song had "onomatopoeia" in it.

The (Offline) Schleiffen Man I never linked it to you, you did that yourself. Ahhhh the luxury of plausible deniability.... 000601
birdmad In the paper today
tales of war and of waste
blown cherry for heavens sake people the line is "build a wall between us"


Everything is good for you,
if it doesn't kill you.
Everything is good for you.
One mans ending, is another one's beginning.
Everything is good for you.


goodnight paul_hester, the world will miss you. I hope your new private universe is better than the old.
what's it to you?
who go