sab there is a story of an old woman who lives in a cave on the edge of a desert, and each day she goes into the desert and collects the bones of a dead animal and brings them back to her cave. she carefully cleans them and arranges them on the floor with care and love.

then she starts to sing over them.

and as the day progresses, and she keeps singing, the bones grow sinues and muscles, veins and skin, and slowly over the day, as the old woman keeps singing, the creature grows anew.

and at the dawn of the next day, the creature she has been singing over is whole again, and with a leap it bounds out of the cave and back into the desert.

and the old woman walks back out into the sunshine

to collect the next set of bones.

i was told this story on a night like any other
yet still it changed my life
Death of a Rose And the tale is good. 040816
Elmo Wow, i hope she finds me after i'm dead. 040816
Doar I hope she finds me when I'm alive....before death.

what's it to you?
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