Jenna me: "You want to go to dinner with us that night? They want to go to dinner."

him: "As long as somebody else drives, because by 5 o'clock, you and I are going to be *shitfaced*."

I could hear him smiling over the phone.

I can't wait for Friday afternoon.

Damn finals.
ClairE Yay!!! (I hope.)

I have the room to myself.
Celine is going home.
(shaking to a sexy Latin beat. quite literally. that is what just came up on my playlist)

good_times, folks. good_times.
ClairE Oh, man. They held up. 011217
Jenna Mine didn't.

But he came and saw me anyway, without alcohol. And he gave me his theory on the universe. And made me forget about how crappy I did on my finals.

It was better than I could have imagined.

what's it to you?
who go