Annie111 Represents everything i love about my country

Salty, beer-derived, unforgiving, and fascinating to foreigners.
sandwich i said do you speaka my language 011205
j_blue hm 011205
SuicidalAngel I've heard of it before, and that it's terrible. What is it? 011205
Annie111 It is a salty spread that Australians use on bread. Trust me, you wouldn't like it unless you were born ingesting it. 011205
SuicidalAngel 'Nuff said! 011205
pralines&cream Aus-traaaallll-ia
Oh, land of veg-i-miiiiiite!
So gooooooo-py, brown, and
sloooooooooo-py down
onto that toast of mine!!!!

(not really, I'm American)
bzzmel we're happy little vegemites, as bright as bright can be, we all enjoy our vegemite for breakfast lunch and tea, our mummy says we're growing stronger every single week, because we love our vegemite, we all adore our vegemite, it puts a rose in every cheek! 011206
Annie111 Ahhh! i miss that commmercial!!! 011206
mm that salty goodness see also frank_australia 020123
god tis lewd to see you naired 020918
daxle thief! 020918
i met a strange lady she made me nervous ran into a gent in brussels
six foot four
and full of muscles
what's it to you?
who go