frAnk paste! popularity sweeping blather like a romanian gypsy dancing with her broom. questions for you all over the place and yet, here is another one...

where does the name (or is it a concept or being or what is it?) paste! come from? and why the exclamation point? or is it up to our own interpretation? can my paste! be explained?

what influences did you have in your childhood that lead you to look at life through such sought after glasses?
paste! paste! began as a suggestion by my associates on the NASCAR circuit.

paste! began...i seriously don't know. no concept, just shitz and grins, per se. but then again...

blather infloos--

childhood: only child = circular search for self-entertainment

post-boyhood: french surrealists circa 1920, especially breton. college pals. john ashbery. poetry from all realms past, present and _future_. substances in variety but not quantity. selective immersion and neglect. minimal fear of experiment. ears. eyes. other organs and pianos.
what's it to you?
who go