Moving the Cursor Beginning of current line 0 or ^
Beginning of first screen line H
Beginning of last screen line L
Beginning of middle screen line M
Down one line j, {return}, +
End of current line $
Left one character h, {ctrl-h}
Left to beggining of word b, B
Right one character l, {space}
Right to end of word e, E
Right to beginning of word w, W
Up one line k, -
Beginning of next sentence )
Beginning of previous sentence (
Dafremen Even more helpful:

[i]to enter insert mode(to add text)
[ESC]to exit insert mode(enter command mode)
[x] to delete the character under the cursor(Only after exiting insert mode)

[SHIFT Z][SHIFT Z] Save changes and exit the program
kingsuperspecial even more helpful -

[esc] to exit insert mode

[shift] + : to get a command prompt

q! to force a quit without changes.

that's about as close to 'undo' as you're going to get in vi, buddy.

sometimes I'll be writing in widoze, or maybe in a text box like this, and I'll want to move the cursor up a few lines, so I'll go 'kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk' and nothing happens and I just laugh at myself.

if you use unix, you have to love vi, or it will destroy you.

(a) geek
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