u24 it's a great bookmark manager.
check it out
u24 see also blatherlicious 050916
u24 070408
sameolme I could use a bookmark manager, but to start off you need another goddamn user
name and a password that "doesn't contain"
and "does contain"......... How do you think I became "sameolme" to begin with?
I can't take it!
u24 you're annoyed that all the good names are taken? 070409
sameolme No, that I have to remember yet another name, this one with a numeral in it.
How do other people deal with this?
u24 i have the same username on everything. and the same password. i suppose it helps that my username requires numbers. 070409
u24 and yes, being interested in computer security I know I shouldn't have the same password for everything. fact is, I don't care. I use gpg for things that need to be really secure, for everything else, there's weak passwords. 070409
sameolme Being somewhat adverse to technology
and to anything with arbitrary rules
I become impatient quickly. It doesn't
help that I'm a geezer with a memory
that makes a sieve look impermeable.
sameolme I went ahead and installed it anyway and
already forget what username and password I used.
what's it to you?
who go