"Ptolemaic cosmology (named for Claudius Ptolemaeus, a second-century Alexandrian astronomer) placed the earth at the center of a series of concentric spheres, each of which represented a heavenly body that revolved around the earth in a perfect sphere. This was the dominant model of the heavens for over a millennium, until the Polish astronomer Mikolaj Kopernik -- better known as Nicholas Copernicus -- challenged the old orthodoxies by placing the sun at the center of our solar system in his De revolutionibus orbium caelestium (1543)." I thought the concentric rings were of Platonic/Aristotelean origins. I wonder how Ptolemy got dibs on the name. Hmm.
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The Theory of Universal Logic 1,black and white, God, the Father, Monday 2, yellow and purple, Christ, the Son, Tuesday 3, Green and red, the Holy Ghost,spirits of all types, the archetypal woman, China, Wednesday 4, gray, the Devil, Thursday 5, Burgundy, orange and blue, silver, gold, the Crucifixion, the Virgin, the Serpent, great-grandma, Friday 6, red, the archetypal man, Spain, Saturday 7, light blue, pink, silver and gold, angels, children, old people, the Serpent brought to heel (no longer the Destroyer, as he is on Friday,) Sunday All Metaphors...Universal correspondences...
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The Theory of Universal Logic: 1,black and white, God, the Father, Monday 2, yellow and purple, Christ, the Son, Tuesday 3, Green and red, the Holy Ghost,spirits of all types, the archetypal woman, China, Wednesday 4, gray, the Devil, Thursday 5, Burgundy, orange and blue, silver, gold, the Crucifixion, the Virgin, the Serpent, great-grandma, Friday 6, red, the archetypal man, Spain, Saturday 7, light blue, pink, silver and gold, angels, children, old people, the Serpent brought to heel (no longer the Destroyer, as he is on Friday,) Sunday All Metaphors...Universal correspondences...
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hot poop and a fan
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