REAListic optimIST
once a work has been created, it is the enevitable fate for such a thing of beauty to be analyzed for its value, whether social, psychological, or monetary. Such a process cheapens the divine process of art_is_a_verb, but can still be useful in its own right. to analyze one's own work in order to discover the squarfly subconscious cretures which flit about just beyond the reach of perception can be an enlightening endeavor indeed. and to recombine those squarfly creatures into new, more logical constructs can help to repair weaknesses in ones foundation of thought as well as provide the basis for expansions of the same. such analysis can also be performed in order for a society to better understand the fundamental issues with which it is wrestling in order to resolve conflicting and outdated viewpoints into the concepts of the emerging era of thought. additionally, an artist who has taken the plunge in order to make art_is_a_verb the means by which they support themselves can further commodify their work to obtain monies. this is a squarfly endeavor, as value is entirely subjective and cheapens the idea of art_as_process. it may be a necessary evil, however, in order to allow artists to commit to art_is_a_verb to a level befitting an art master.
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