i think so anyway The yesterday column empty, you click on the date and nothing appears. Wouldn't that be a kick in the ass? 011015
if i could talk id tell you i think that would be cool 020121
an old_blather_fart 980119 the first day of blather as it is now (apparently it existed in some other format before whose entries have since been lost)

there were a few days after the beginning where things were quiet here in the blue

first morning, first evening

genesis and all that
old_blather_fart whoops, 980819 that is

i stand corrected
yoink is a day when i have something to do 020121
fli would truly be a day without sunshine.... 020121
ClairE It involves lots of sex. 020122
88888881 and STD's ??? 020122
Arwyn is like a day without cyanide 020123
ClairE We all survived. I think. 020208
sylphide ..makes you wonder how you ever lived without it before. 030316
mastas a day without blather is a day without waking up with a bong hit blown in your face and our eyes are weeping and watery wanting more and more every second your awake. 040405
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl a day without blather????
ce n'est PAS possible!!!!!!!!

its an addiction
gotta feed it!
meta meta 060412
what's it to you?
who go