josh something this site doesn't get nearly enough of. 990105
thenestor I don't know about you, but I'm afraid that if this site got more promotion, the quality of the content would decline. The last thing I want to see is a bunch of AOL people using this as a chat room. 990106
Principal Chalmers Your incessant self promotion will undoubtedly land you out of work young sphincter boy. We now pause for station identification. 990817
stork daddy i finally got my blue belt in brazilian jiujitsu. now i have to train like one though i guess. 040218
Not the Daddy Well, whoop-de-do for you. 040219
leisurebeing i'd like to promote the welfare of the state, and of its citizens. i'd like to reaise money for this promotion. there's lots of things i'd like to promote. wouldn't you like to give to the Fund for Excellence in Promotion? you would. promote (you)(me)(it)(us)(them). 040624
joda No.

I wouldn't.
demon i dreamt i was an assassin. 040626
Moment_of_truth Turks_'face_beheading'_in_Iraq 040626
Overwhelming opposition to war

Bush is unpopular in Turkey, where the overwhelming majority of the public opposed the war in neighboring Iraq.

Turkish demonstrators set fire to an effigy of President Bush during a protest in Ankara on Saturday.
ofsuch I'm nervous to start my new position on monday 080814
hsg which is? 080815
what's it to you?
who go