anon incan-descent?
loverly word
Strideo "The Sun is a mass of incandescent gas,
a gigantic nuclear furnace."
epitome of incomprehensibility Incandescent light is usually better for your eyes than flourescent, unless the flourescent light is white. From the evil Illuminati, who like to shine flashlights in people's eyes. 050813
misstree i want this to be my word of the week. i want this concept to be able to survive with me in the moment. 050814
epitome of incomprehensibility It is a lovely word. It's blindingly poetic. But I don't know what I was writing in days of yore: since when is incandescent light better for the eyes?
At my house we've been replacing standard bulbs with the twisty-trendy florescent kind, and I can't even tell the difference. (The new kind save a lot of energy; only problem is, they can't be recycled, as far as I know)
e_o_i Query: how do you spell florescent? is it fluorescent? both ways? 070507
Duncan ! Muller !i (that ain't ya name is it!)

the films these days have become crap.
a film is supposed to relax you not make you think of three to ten things at once !

give me back my green ash tray !
what's it to you?
who go