Horus Okay...I said it. Does it mean I need beauty? No.

Does it mean that your beauty is unrecognized?


Tell me honestly,
Tell me ultimatly,
Tell me how you have been and how you will be.

I sense that you can't/will not do that, and I realize that you will never be honest,
or open.

I stand still while you posture, preen and pose. The perfections you wish to present to the others you meet, must mean those perfections are not meant to be disclosed to me.

But when I trust and gather my bravery to join my time with yours,

When I share myself, I do because I have hope,

When each hope has left,

I am gone

From you
from every future you.

their way to avoid,
but to avoid to unknow,
and I would rather be destroyed
by the glass
than challenged by
the leaves falling.
...because I'm a Taurus. 081112
what's it to you?
who go