girl ...for strength.

the only beer worth drinking
girl ...for strength.

the only beer worth my time
unhinged in big tall cans on their amps; just another reason why flogging_molly is so kick ass. i personally can't drink the stuff. 010808
Aimee My german teacher certainly knows how to pound them down. I stood in awe of her when we were in germany... kinda sucked that she could drink and we couldn't. I really really wanted a Baileys.... 010808
Teenage Jesus Once you get it in you- no other beer will do. Even Porters that used to be decent, pale in comparison.

However, a good Bombay and tonic is also a spot hitter
sabbie my friend daad used to drink it all the time, but to me there was no point to drinking liquid vegemite. 020101
donaldson Drinking my fourth of the evening, and on blather... Doesn't get much better than this... 020315
what's it to you?
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