Weed Eater Ok...here is my top 10 list for biggest wastes of time.

#10: Romance Novels.
#9: Ending a relationship on bad terms.
#8: Video Games
#7: Fictional Novels.
#6: Fictional Television
#5: Watching Sports on Television.
#4: Watching Commercial Advertisements (Including infomercials and Home Shopping Networks).
#3: Mechanical Ponies.
#2: Blather. (so many hours)
#1: WWF (Blather was originally #1, until I remembered that there actually exists those poor victims of the sad marketing trend known only as WWF)
Weed Eater Just to prove there is a cosmic interconnectedness to the world, and uncanny coincidences pointing to certain truths pertaining to a natural order, I clicked on wwf and read the first words...

go one... now you try it!

See...there IS a God!
god yep 010804
z time is not a commodity to be conserved or wasted. it passes, and passing brings experience. we live, creatures of the linear, in the rush and tick of sequence. embrace error. 040810
() (time of waste) 050204
z of time waste 050206
what's it to you?
who go