mood ring im pretty sure user24 didnt do it.
he wasnt here.
will the real deleter pleeze step forward?
who is kx21_must_die_coalition?
p2 one of the coalition's first post
was us_attacks_kx21
u24 is from the uk

unless that's what u24 wants us to think
that u24 is so diabolical sometimes

i think everything's died down anyway
perhaps it's my imagination
but kx21 isn't posting as much
as he/she/it used to
the coalition is disbanded
peace is restored

at least
until next time
u24 it wasn't me.

admittedly, I did a vast amount of research into screwing around with blather, but never maliciously. I should have realised that people would abuse it. I think people would have figured out how to remove pages anyway; the stuff in test and test2 was way before I came on the scene.
Symphonic did you get the nice grey matting?

how much do you cost now?

where can I hang you?

soo many questions...so little wall space....

what's it to you?
who go