pushpins I can feel the confusion like warm water around me.
spa day: throw hate at me and get it into my pores.
it spills silently into me
and i am overwhelmed by the sheer mass
of the panic and anger.
I am drowning, slighlty struggling...
slow motion, and soon I will be calm
and I will flow and bend gracefully
to the rhythym of the chaos,
my head will bob slowly to the sound of negativity,
my body will brush the floor calmly
and the waves will carry my dead body to the shore.

and I will rot in the serene chaos of it all.
sabbie and synion laughed and said "sabbie lives her life in serene chaos." 020104
ClairE Where_I'd_like_to_live. 020104
hannelore Sometimes I feel like my like is filled with serene chaos.
I that there is a sense of relief that I find in the hussle of life.
If there was always silence and rest, I would have too much time and therefore dwell on things that I can't change.
When there is serene chaos, I don't have time to think about my imperfections, therefore there is peace in being busy.
egger the universe pants and grins as it dances. 040319
u24 ripples on the ocean. 050307
what's it to you?
who go