daxle needing to blather under a different name to avoid being blasted by the spewing hatred of the beloved birdmad at every turn. good luck hunting, love. maybe you should just spew vitriol at everyone for good measure... 060307
no of course you wouldnt because of course you, "daxle", would never go around spewing anger at random people 060307
blather spell check "it's" 060307
grendel i'm not rolling my eyes,

nope, not me

and tell me, if not for knowing full well that, in spite of your well-rehearsed indignance, you would do the same, why do you think i've reduced most of my blathes in the last 2 years to largely meaningless anecdotes and half-jokes...
star leaves then switch your name.
no big deal.
stork daddy sometimes forgiveness is the best thing to do, not because the other person is particularly deserving of compassion, but because it keeps you from unecessary pathos. 060307
what's it to you?
who go