Sintina my friendship bracelet with a young girl. I wonder if she's worn hers at all? I've worn mine every day that it's matched my outfit. I'm wearing it now. It flicks softly against the desk as I type. 051121
IGG every time it's matched your outfit?
is she a superficial friend then?
jokey smurf of sweat glistened in her lovely golden locks as i banged the smurf out of her 051121
Sintina If I wear it too much, it's going to break. It's a very delicate little thing. I don't want to wear it every day. It just makes more sense to wear it on the days it matches. She's not a friend, really, superficial or otherwise. Just a nice young girl I care about. Thank you for asking. :) 051121
emmi chunky_green_beads

that's what i'm wearing
superleni a good analogy for friendship. best used in moderation. not to be overworn. 060609
what's it to you?
who go