Gamester We all know that complaints about who blathed what (and how) are quite frequent. But just *how* frequent? Try and guess!

My guess: 1 out of 17 blathes features a complaint about someone else's blathing.
jane this is a waste of valuable blather_space. fo shizzle. right, ever_dumbening? 081212
Vieques Gamester you underestimate the number of snotty people. 1 in 8 081212
adelaide THIS BLATHE S U C K S. 081213
my guess 10% 081213
daxle don't forget the percentage of people complaining about other people's complaints 081213
salimander seems to vary, sometimes is like half the blathes have whining, but sometimes is very rare. definitely disagree that this is a waste of space tho, who cares lets guess like anyones really too good to guess dont be a doosh 081214
Bespeckled retreat_to_red 081214
. 10% sounds about right to me, too 081214
. Poop heads 100227
r_r . 101114
fghio fghio 101114
r_r I am a bitch 101114
r_r for the record, i am the original r_r. which stands for "randomly recent." i would mark blathes as they showed up on the homepage that i found interesting or somehow captivating. i apologize for the above r_r, who is not me, but who has apparently been following me around. 101115
squishyfish squishyfish 101116
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 110228
what's it to you?
who go