h|s|g i'm_bettin'_bloomdhism 110708
h|s|g I'd had dead nightmare{s a fe}w years ago.. no_big_deal, had them all my life. But one week and a third of a decade ago they culminated. I'd died_in_a_dream which is nothing new. But then I died again_and_again and woke_up in another and died and woke up into another. The deaths and dreams became closer together until I remained lucid. From one dream_death into another I woke_and_died_and_woke_and_i'd begun to realize dream_i_n_at_u_re_ality ing it all to get here.
It was terrifying, watching_myself_die, couldn'tell the difference
fro m if here's being all i've. It became silly to me and at_the_same_time a gift. I saw there was no death. And I saw that dreams have as much to teach as this life ever could. Layers.

I woke up laughing. And it wasn't that I was saved from dreams. It was more like I really did die but death was confirmed a dream. The fear and terror was worse, actually, than what I'd imagined in everyday_life but there wasn't any guessing left. And I was, still, there. I woke up laughing.
flowerock tickled_awake

by funny_dreams
what's it to you?
who go