Dallas Those soft squishy things around the good part of a flower. 980908
michelle the petals of your soft sighs fall around me in warm whispers, as beautiful as springtime. 990205
adam like silk like arms wrapped around me tight but why am i typing this cuz no one hugs me anymore just to hurt me thats why. 990302
MollyGoLightly Where I live... 000521
freakizh velvet fingers
of nature's hand

somewhere inside of my mind
i wonder when was my winter
Aimee I see this word and I think pink and red... I would like to see a blue flower though. A bright blue one. It would certainly make me happy. 011020
pontifier what you push your feet on on a bicycle to make it go, only if you don't know how to spell them correctly 011210
the clarifier what you push your feet on on a bicycle to make it go, only if you don't know how to spell it correctly. 011210
pontifier damn you! 011219
the clarifier Should I apologize? 011219
what's it to you?
who go