kss what now?

all I can say is 03 was a bitch.

whitechocolatewalrus today is the same as yesterday. 040101
karl the weed wow. its 2004. thats so signifigant. 040101
bandersnatch i dont see how it is signifigant at all, nothing is different (execpt for the series of numbers one must write in to fill out most forms). 040101
karl the weed (sarcasm) 040101
unhinged 'this will be the year for friends. all we have is friends. to friends.'

another year rolls over for me here on blue. it will take me a few months to get used to the 4. and another year will slip by. torturously slowly in the blink of an eye.

it is so goddamn painful waiting for someone to die.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl i dont like new years
all that new years resolution shit
u24 i made an NYR (figure it out) and as usual, haven't kept to it at all. but hopefully I'll remember I made it when I need to and it'll be enough to make me do something. 040125
what's it to you?
who go