paste! They land on the moon of Denver.
Colorado got launched into outer space.

The landing apparatus worked perfectly.
It’s time for supper!

The smell of red chile peppers reminds an astronaut of the Southwest.
He grew up there. Larry.
As a child, he got lost on a mountainside.

When they found him he was nothing but a canteen.
Because his mother was proud of him,
the switchback procedure was instant.

Larry leaps out of the craft
and begins to speak about nature
which touches an antelope’s heart.
The antelope leaves twice the animal it was before.

The moon of Denver
is nothing like the town of Denver.
It is extremely cold.

In a blink of an eye, Larry is mapped
and studied hard as he turns into an equation.
He modifies himself over the course of a month.
Larry reaches the state of being a new element,
one that turns ice into top-notch cinema.

And thus, the periodic chart on the moon of Denver
adds the new element, Larry.

Life here is far superior, according to film critics, than anywhere else.
The quality of film is unbelievable!
kelli crane you're a mile closer to it than i am 020115
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