no reason is coming!!!!!!!!!!! here! on sunday!

i am so fucking excited that i have to put these words everywhere!
god awesome 051025
zeke violin phase 051025
Piso Mojado how exciting! 051025
nineteen what I said before. 051025
oren I had never heard of him until this blathe.

I googled him and found his web site.

I listened to some of his music and was immediately pulled in.

no reason check out

-violin phase (as mentioned)
-marimba phase
-music for pieces of wood

i like the piano phase too, but not as much as the others.

cool_beans indeed!
Piso Mojado music for 18 musicians 060111
unhinged or pendelum music

sonic youth recorded it

you make penedlums of various lengths out of microphones and then swing them back and forth over speakers to make feedback

eh, i was never one for this kind of stuff but steve is better than most
no reason playing (or clapping) both parts of "clapping music" is proving to be interesting and a good exercise 090824
zeke drumming 090825
what's it to you?
who go