Pythagorus There seems to be a certain parallel between humans and caterpillars.
(From a spiritual perspective.)

I was thinking about the theory of evolution, and trying to figure out how the caterpillar species would benefit by adapting the need to be without defenses in a cocoon for the second part of their life.

It seems their existence is more of a symbolic one. Living on earth only to consume everything in sight. Then undergoing a metamorphic sleep, changing into a beautiful winged being of color and light.
drstrangelove very cool indeed 020611
daxle I think the benefit of the cocoon phase is only to have time and space for all those biological changes going on. The suseptability to predation is a negative on that one, but apparently since it has evolved to occur it is more beneficial than harmful to the survival of the species. 020611
you flicker and youre beautiful flicker-flicker-
here you are

you glow inside my head
god flicker blam pow.

what about centipedes?
what's it to you?
who go