stork daddy if you miss one of the hardened patches along my skin, you might plunge into something you weren't ready for, and sink your mightiness in diminishing returns like a dino in a tar pit. You might find something soft yet accomadating, a place to lay your head. Just enough touch to not be air. Just enough of a look to not be a dream. might find irretractable downy gore, which'll mark your clothes and follow you ino the house. I'm not sure. Anyways...what's with all the ani difranco lyrics....this title is the name of one of her albums...but...i'm just all love her that much? don't answer all at once, since i only want to hear from one of a time i mean 020501
silentbob she said she always wanted to be commander in chief of her one woman army 020502
hey now! yes i love her 020502
yummychuckle me too. I have this album...(both_hands is yummy) 020718
what's it to you?
who go