soulesswanderer So I don't dream. Its easier that way. Kind of like the whole, better to have love and lost, then to have never loved at all, or whatever.. except for reversed. The pain of dreaming, and then realizing that thats all they ever were is far more painful then never knowing what its like to dream.
I'd rather live in this dark, dreamless world, then to realize that life can be great, and wonderful, and perfect... just not for me. Dreams don't come true. They die slow painful deaths, with you clinging to them for all your worth. But they still slip away, and leave you aching.
cinzento Figured it was you when I saw the title.

Lighten up, dear.
bird mad_world 040415
soulesswanderer Am I truly that predictible? 040415
cinzento Sometimes. But really, it just sounded like you. What's wrong? 040416
soulesswanderer same ole, same ole. 040416
cinzento How depressing. 040417
what's it to you?
who go