remembering_who_you_are remembering_what_you_are remembering_kindness reminding_each_other look_into_the_sun Tipper http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe4s6aU911s and "Plato believed that we learn in this life by remembering knowledge originally acquired in a previous life, and that the soul already has all knowledge, and we learn by recollecting what in fact the soul already knows. Plato offers three analyses of knowledge, all of which he has Socrates reject. The first is that "knowledge and perception are the same." Socrates rejects this by saying that we can perceive without knowing and we can know without perceiving. In example, we can see and hear a foreign language without us knowing it. Therefore if we can perceive without knowing, then knowledge cannot be identical to perception. Plato's second analysis is that true belief is knowledge. Socrates disproves this by saying that when a jury believes a defendant is guilty by just hearing the prosecuting attorney's rambling, rather than of any solid evidence, it cannot be said to know that the accused is guilty even if, in fact, he it; here the jury's true judgment falls short of being knowledge. Plato's third analysis is that true belief accompanied by a rational account is knowledge, whereas true belief unaccompanied by a rational account is distinct from knowledge. The only problem with this analysis revolves around the word account. All interpretations of account are deemed inadequate. These analyses prove to be an excellent example of the attacking the inadequate theories of knowledge, but it does not prove an answer to what knowledge is.
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(where the Plato text came from) http://library.thinkquest.org/18775/plato/knowp.htm
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