iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl when i invite you in
i don't expect you to rummage through my memories
my past
my life!
you came in looking for cigarettes
searched my entire fucking room
how do i know you didn't read it?
you say you didn't
but you lie about everything else
so why should i believe you?
thats my fucking PERSONAL business
i'll never be able to fucking trust you again
when you root through my stuff
then lie to my face
i dont see why i should let you in to my sanctuary when you defile it with your actions and your thoughts.

fuck you
i wont ever fucking trust you again
it hurts to know that you duped me
just because im naive
to trust you
to believe you'll do whats right
fuck you.
RainForest no, it's okay, he knows what he's doing 040218
what's it to you?
who go