Been on both sides of it. "IF ambiguity is too prevelant, people turn too what they themselves would mean if they said the same."

~Lemon Soda @ who_cares_what_people_think

I think this is a very acute observation. Miscommunication on the web is rampant, even when words are carefully chosen. Cussing is especially prone to this; an effenheimer tossed into a paragraph for fun can readily make the whole thing seem angry when read by someone with higher literary standards, for instance.

It's too easy to heap all blame upon the reader, but it's equally asinine to wholly blame the writer. Online, it is definitely a two-way street.

This seems to apply to many sorts of internet text ambiguity; not only emotional communication but also logical, technical and - in particular - philosophical and artistic communication.
Lemon_Soda This is a good point to make when arguing the importance of person to person relations. There is more to what we say than the words we choose. Circumstance, inflection, and posture aren't readily available to help define what we're trying to say when texting and such. 071004
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