a thimble in time Melancholy,
Seeping and creeping,
Leeching through the skin,
Calmly softly whispering,
Gently dripping in.

Aghast, a ghostly presence
Hovering through my head
Scheming and Conspiring
To bring about my end.

Hemorrhaging glee,
Encroaching despair,
Joy slowly bleeding,
wounds that don’t repair

At the farthest edge of sanity,
I can just make out the other side,
Insect-ual calamities,
subtly destroying my mind...

Seeping and creeping,
cruelly plummeting below the skin,
violent rampant shrieking,
misery pouring in
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl i can relate to that so much. 040202
MeKoy that was so beautiful i too can relate to it. people alawys ask why im depressed all the time. i tell theme i just myself. something i can not escape from. those who dont ask just say im insane.

in the words of my beloved friend georgie"insane,there just gelous they dont always have someone to talk to and i do."
wingedSerpent vivsect 040208
ohh - cause i cant fucking spell is why vivisect 040208
oldephebe nicely done a thible in time :) 040210
a thimble in time thank you and thank you 040211
marked . 040211
what's it to you?
who go